Mushroom Gummies
Mushroom Gummies
According to a recent study, mushrooms have been on earth for as many as 810 million years, and ever since mankind has existed, we've been using them in a variety of ways. From adding flavor to our meals to creating natural medicine to generating mind-boggling effects, mushrooms have played a vital role in our everyday life, and they're becoming even more popular with the introduction of mushroom gummies.
Mushroom Gummies is an extraordinary mushroom supplement product that has recently started to gain traction now that they're being infused with more than just an ordinary Lions Mane extract. These bite-sized, delicious edible treats feature some of the most amazing flavor profiles and utilize potent extracts that deliver psychoactive, and oftentimes hallucinogenic effects. In this collection, we've listed mushroom gummies that produce legal psychedelic effects and offer incredible flavors to choose from.
Note: The products listed in this collection are completely legal and do not contain any psilocybin. Consult with your doctor before you purchase the product and always use it responsibly.
Mushroom Gummies
Galaxy Treats Amanita Mushroom Gummies
The Galaxy Treats Amanita Mushroom Gummies are exceptional adult gummy candies that feature a potent extract and delicious flavors that will soothe your body from top to bottom. There are just 3 gummies per container, each featuring a potent 350mg dose of amanita muscaria extract and two delicious flavor profiles to choose from, giving you 1050mg per container.
Vegan Mushroom THC-O Gummies by Float Mushroom
The Vegan Mushroom THC-O Gummies by Float Mushroom are flavorsome bite-sized chewy gummies that feature the perfect combination of mushrooms, cannabis, and flavors. These delicious gummy candies are 100% Vegan-friendly and come with 10 gummies and a potent blend of Lions Mane extract, hemp-derived THC-O, and several satisfying tastes to choose from.